Renew your support to Terre des Hommes + 2022 Impact

Johanna Colas

Dear all,

Last year, many of you generously donated to help the Ukrainian refugees in Moldova through the NGO Terre des hommes. Thanks to your donations and the contribution of the Fondation Philanthropique Next, a total of CHF 550,000 was sent to the NGO Terre des Hommes in 2022.

A huge THANK YOU for your generosity and solidarity, these donations have made possible:

  • 13,200 beneficiaries reached through Tdh services
  • 32 Child-Friendly Spaces and Mother-Baby Corners equipped and operationalized
  • 2 mobile teams
  • 1,211 beneficiaries having received Individual Protection Assistance (IPA)
  • 1,726 beneficiaries have received vouchers assistance
  • 134 professionals trained on child protection in emergency and child safeguarding

Renewing our support for 2023

For the 2nd consecutive year, we have decided to renew our support for Terre des Hommes.

Each of your donations will be multiplied by 10 by the Fondation Philanthropique Next, a foundation recognised as being of public utility, which can provide you with a tax-deductible donation certificate in Switzerland.

This means that if you give CHF 10, 50, 100 or even 1’000, the foundation will donate 100, 500, 1’000 or even 10’000 CHF.

The objective would be to reach CHF 50’000 CHF in personal donations, which would enable to reach CHF 550,000 (maximum cap) to Terre des Hommes with the contribution of the foundation.

Thank you very much in advance for your generosity and involvement.

Thierry Mauvernay, President

The campaign is closed. Thank you for your generosity.

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